We have a whole school PE plan in place which was drafted by the principal and teachers. Regularly, our teachers participate in Continuous Professional Development in the area of PE. Ideas, strategies, tips and resources from these CPD sessions are shared with all staff members. Fundamental Movement Skills This year we have decided to go right back to basics and focus on the Fundamental Movement skills of:
All our P.E. lessons will take place outdoors in line with COVID-19 Guidelines. Priority Strand 2020-2021: Outdoor and Adventure Have a look below at some of the fun and learning going on around our priority strand. This learning didn't end over lock down either, it became a great way to get the whole family involved!! We have planned some VERY fun activities during the month of May which will really target this strand, we are very excited!! Watch this space for updates. Our new Active Walkway is proving a BIG hit. The senior room are enjoying the good weather while completing some Literacy activities. Have a look at what else we have been doing in PE since September 2019! Games Rock Paper Scissors.... JUMP!! GAA training with Ann is always a HUGE hit!! We challenged the pupils... The teachers challenged our pupils learning from home to a keepie uppie challenge with a difference. Have a look on our YouTube channel to see how the teachers and pupils got on!! It was definitely much trickier than it looks....Why don't you give it a go? :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3PBykwFvo Dance Our pupils from Junior Infants to 3rd class really missed their siblings, cousins and friends that were still remotely learning from home. We decided to come together by learning the "Jerusalema" dance and performing it together. It was fun remotely learning together even though we were apart!! You can see the finished video on out YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtbJnRmOifCNJuyUQXv1pqA/videos and on our School Twitter page: https://twitter.com/StDympnasNs. Athletics Aquatics Our Junior Infants thoroughly enjoyed completing the PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) lessons. Gymnastics This strand will be covered in May Active Homework During school closures, PE lessons were still completed at home. We had fun challenges and daily active homework choice boards to complete.
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